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Collection SetPlays are Owned

This script checks whether for each SetID/PlayID combo, they own a moment matching that SetPlay.


  • account: The Flow Address of the account whose moment data needs to be read
  • setIDs: A list of unique IDs for the sets whose data needs to be read
  • playIDs: A list of unique IDs for the plays whose data needs to be read

Returns: Bool - Whether for each SetID/PlayID combo, account owns a moment matching that SetPlay.

import TopShot from 0xTOPSHOTADDRESS

pub fun main(account: Address, setIDs: [UInt32], playIDs: [UInt32]): Bool {

setIDs.length == playIDs.length,
message: "set and play ID arrays have mismatched lengths"

let collectionRef = getAccount(account).getCapability(/public/MomentCollection)
?? panic("Could not get public moment collection reference")

let momentIDs = collectionRef.getIDs()

// For each SetID/PlayID combo, loop over each moment in the account
// to see if they own a moment matching that SetPlay.
var i = 0

while i < setIDs.length {
var hasMatchingMoment = false
for momentID in momentIDs {
let token = collectionRef.borrowMoment(id: momentID)
?? panic("Could not borrow a reference to the specified moment")

let momentData =
if momentData.setID == setIDs[i] && momentData.playID == playIDs[i] {
hasMatchingMoment = true
if !hasMatchingMoment {
return false
i = i + 1

return true